A sadistic Indiana police officer forced his 6-year-old daughter to stand outside in the freezing cold holding a twisted sign as punishment for “pouting” when she wasn’t allowed to wear lip gloss, authorities said.
Logansport cop Cody Scott and his wife, Kylie Scott, were both charged with two counts of felony child neglect after a passerby witnessed the sick scene on Jan. 19, and called 911.
The young girl was standing in 18-degree weather holding a sign that allegedly read: “I want to stab and Kill my brother — I even take an antipsychotic — If you need to give pity — then give it to the victims.”
Ironically, Scott, 33, was on duty and answered the call himself.
“This baby is standing out here in the freezing cold with a sign,” the concerned caller told Scott, according to court records obtained by WTHR.
Scott brazenly admitted to doling out the punishment, but defended his actions, saying: “Yup, she comes out here every 30 minutes, and she goes back inside every 10 minutes to warm back up.”
While they were squabbling, an “older man” walked up and voiced his own fear for the 6-year-old and questioned why her father was forcing her to stand outside with the violent and embarrassing sign, according to the court records.
“Well sir, aside from me cruelly beating her physically, I’ve not done any other punishment that has worked for her,” Scott shockingly said, the documents show.
“She’s threatened to kill my family, she wants to embarrass us, she wants to urinate on herself and destroy things in the house. I have a [Department of Child Services] caseworker involved, she’s been in therapy for three years, she also has the wrap around program at school.”
The officer admitted that his daughter had been taken to a hospital on two occasions — for reasons not disclosed in court records — but was “kicked out.”
Scott threatened not to pick her up, but ultimately relented after staff warned “they would call [DCS on me for abandonment.”
The jarring exchange was captured on body cam footage, which was then turned over to the DCS — which uncovered that the sign-toting punishment was one Scott allegedly turned to frequently.
Kylie later allegedly told investigators that she was forced to hold the sign because she pouted when her parents forbid her from wearing wear lip gloss.
The young girl had previously been forced to carry a sign to Walmart that read, “I lie to hurt other people,”
Even more heartbreaking, the Scotts allegedly made their daughter carry an embarrassing sign to school that said: “I pee on everything and cover it up like a cat.”
According to the parents, the 6-year-old suffers from behavioral issues and several diagnoses that require medication — a disclosure they seemingly thought would make their actions appear defensible, an investigator wrote in the report.
Scott was put on leave “within hours” of the Jan. 19 incident, according to police.
He was officially put on leave without pay on March 12, following a hearing with the Logansport Board of Public Works.